Do you want to reach your peak performance as a human being? Maybe you are struggling to cope with your relationship, work or education? Or perhaps you just want to excel in whatever field you may already shine within. Like any device, you are made up of a number of components.
You have been assembled with some of the most advanced organs in the universe. It would sure be helpful to know how to function at an elite level to reach peak performance, utilising these important tools in the best way.
I would like to introduce you to the BMS Formula. What is that, you may ask?
Well, it’s quite straightforward. I’ll explain it as you read on.
If you were to reflect upon yourself as a human being, you would discover that you are composed of three main parts:
- Body. This is your vehicle. You use it to fulfil all your tasks in this world. You need to ensure it is in perfect, working order. Your food and fitness are essential factors that determine the working condition of your vehicle.
Mind. This is your engine. It propels your body forward. Without it, no matter how perfect your body is, or how good your fuel is, you will not be able to progress and discern.
Soul. This is your fuel. Without it, your body will no longer function according to its created purpose. Your soul gives life to your body and mind, in the same way fuel (petrol, diesel or gas) gives life to a car.
You may now notice that B is for Body, M is for Mind, and S is for Soul. Together, they make the BMS Formula.
As you apply the BMS Formula in your life, you must recalibrate each component to be in perfect balance with each connected part. Each one must be given its due attention otherwise, its weak performance is likely to have a negative effect on the other two parts.
Essentially, to reach peak performance you would need to have a healthy body, mind and soul. In the next post, I’ll look further into what it means to have a healthy body.
Question: How conscious have you been of striking a balance between your Body, Mind and Soul in your life?
Your comments will help raise awareness of the importance of this formula in all our lives.
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Looking forward to your discussion…
Assalamualaikum, Balance has been pretty poor , what is some stragies each aspect such as the mind
Sadiq, the first positive sign is a recognition of an imbalance. In the next blog post, I will touch on the mind. I think our minds are less stimulate nowadays as our attention spans seem to be lessening. Maybe you could try sitting through the reading of a whole book from start to end and see how your mind copes with the arguments built up in the book.
Assalamu Alaykum shaykh Ahmed,
Is it fair to assume the relationship between the mind and the soul will be detailed in coming posts?
Assalamu Alaykum Hussein. Yes, this is one of the issues that I hope to address in coming posts. Initially I will be dealing with the mind, then the soul. With a sound mind, the soul will be driven to make the right choices in life. Let me know if you have any particular issues of interest related to this topic, or any others for that matter – I’d be happy to listen to them.
Assalamu alaikum sheikh,
How exactly does the BMS formula help us in our daily lives e.g. University or interactions with family?
With a sound mind, you will be more alert during your studies. With a healthy body, you will have the energy and strength to go about your daily errands with family and friends, and not feel the need to snack on unnecessary foods filled with sugar. You will have more energy to last you throughout the day. With a sound soul, you will cherish every moment of your life – it will be special to you and everyone you interact with.
Look out for the upcoming post on Monday.